The Foundations Program

Every time you look at your bank accounts, you wonder what’s missing

You make good money, but when you look at your net take-home pay or outstanding invoices, you mutter, “That’s it?” You try to understand your investment statements and it makes your brain hurt.

You ask yourself:

Maybe you’ve tried to Google the answers to all your financial woes but you’re getting conflicting advice.
Where do you even start? 

Why am I paying so much in taxes?

Where’s the rest of the money I brought in this month?

Where should I put my investments?

How can I get my overhead down and keep more in my account?

When can I retire?

What’s blocking my business from making more?

You want a lot for your life & your business — as you should.

Every tax day or quarterly payment, you won’t break out in a cold sweat. You write that check with joy, knowing you had a kick-ass year. You’re actually grateful for paying taxes now.

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And you want to do it all in a way that feels impactful and authentic.

How does this sound instead?

You’re sending regular payments to your investments and profit account that leave you with a smile on your face every night.

You’re debt-free or on your way with a plan to get there. It finally feels like you have some breathing room.

You're ready to finally take that leap and start your own business or scale your current one.

You’re squashing old money beliefs that are not yours and are more hopeful about the future than ever.

The Financial Foundations Program is a 30-day money reboot where you’ll finally solve the problem of what’s not working with your money so you can make your money work for you.

The Financial Foundations Program is for you if: 

You’re earning 6-figures or more &  want to increase your take-home or revenue and don’t know next steps

You’re tired of the story, “I’m bad with money,” but you don’t know how to change it

You’re thinking about making investments, but you’re worried about messing up — where do you even begin?

Here’s what we can do together

Get Cash Flow Clarity - This will be much more fun than any boring budget or P&L you’ve done. We’ll find some hidden money in surprising places. Trust me, it’s easier than finding that loose change in the couch or cutting back on office supplies.

We’ll start where you are. Just show up, even if your money’s a disorganized mess. Here’s where we can customize the program for you:

We'll look at the tactical stuff

Intuitive Investments - We’ll review and align your investments with what’s important and feels right for you. If you haven't started investing, we’ll start small and build from there.

Business Brains - With my intuitive, creative financial brain on your business, we’ll spark ideas to optimize your taxes and take your business to the next level.

Debt: It’s No Longer a 4-Letter Word - Learn how to use debt to your advantage and how to easily get out of it. No more robbing Peter to pay Paul and finally get rid of the dread of it looming over your head.

Mission and Manifesting Magic - Learn what’s keeping you stuck from making more money. You’ll discover how to take your life & business through the ceiling and create a mission that accomplishes those big dreams. You’ll align with your soul’s purpose and bring in more abundance than you can imagine.

We’ll also look at any money blocks that come up.

money blocks might sound like this:

Staying small and invisible because it’s safe

Being fearful and frantic that your money will all go away or that any windfall or new client is a fluke

Checking your account balances several times a day

Being uncomfortable with having nice things so you hide your success or accomplishments

Buying things that you don’t need with the thought “It’s a write off”


Specifically, you get:

4 x 60-minute 1-on-1 strategy calls to discuss all of your financial needs. We will go over specific items each week and you’re welcome to bring whatever comes up for you — my intuitive financial expert brain is yours. 

Personal reviews of ALL your money docs - your cash flow, paystubs, investments, insurance, debt, taxes, business plan and ideas, estate planning, and more. You’ll send me your documents via a secure shared file and I’ll review them before our next weekly meeting.

Money Success Strategies - I’ve been an entrepreneur and managing money since the 80s — before it was cool, so I know a thing or two! You’ll also get strategies on how to bring in more and keep more in your pocket.

Money Mindset Exercises - Each week, you’ll dig deep into the back of that brain of yours to the heart of why you are where you are, WHY you started the business in the first place. Learn your triggers impacting your life and business and how they overflow into other areas. Those old money stories are a thing of the past.

Access to me over Voxer (a walkie-talkie app) during the week. Get in-the-moment answers to all your financial questions and sticky money situations. Imagine how fun it is to share your big beautiful ideas that hit you while you’re sipping your morning coffee. I’m right there cheering you on!


Know exactly what’s coming in (and going out) and where 

Have a strategic plan to scale your business or start one

Learn how to minimize taxes and maximize the money in your accounts

Create a risk management strategy so your life, your loved ones and your business are covered

Learn how to compound your money so you have options of how much you work or Not!

Best of all, you’ll finally embrace the feeling you are on the right track with ALL your financial decisions

We start with one month and you can extend as you need to.

Most clients finish the month with a step-by-step foundational plan so that they can move forward with confidence and clarity around their finances and recognize the main money blocks that keep them stuck.

Investment: $1,500

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Your Next Steps

Click the button below to set up a 30-minute, no-obligation chat. We’ll discuss where you are and where you want to be. I’ll answer questions, and if you’re ready we’ll set our start date.

Looking forward to going on this journey with you!

Step 1

I will send you my Zelle or Venmo information for payment after that I will send you customized items that you'll complete 48 hours before we begin. 

Step 2

Book A Chat

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to leave my W-2 job and start my own business, is this the right program for me? 

It's the perfect place to start! Developing a solid foundation before your start your business is key. If you need a little bit more guidance and some hand holding, I would suggest the more intensive “Flourish” program. This would take you from start up to fully booked within six months.

I have a financial advisor or I have worked with a financial advisor. Do I still need this? 

Great! I’m that second pair of eyes that’s unbiased. Think of me as your quarterback with your financial advisor, CPA, and business lawyer as part of your team. 

I’m a seasoned business owner and want to get to another level, will this help? 

If you’re trying to scale your business, I suggest the Flourish program, a 6-month intensive coaching & consulting program. You get both the coaching and the financial consulting piece that not only get you there but anything that comes up we can address together.

What happens at the end of the month? What if I need more support?

You can go month-to-month as needed or if you want more money mastery and mindset support, I’ll apply your first month to the Flourish 6-month program.

I’m thinking about investing in gold/silver/NFTs/crypto, can you help?

Yep! I will guide you through the pros and cons of each and help you reach the best decision that is right for you.

I get paid in RSUs, RSAs, NSOs and ISOs, can you help me with this?

Yes, I work with several clients from Apple, Oracle, and others. Understanding different forms of equity compensation and how they're treated for tax purposes — from both the employer and employee perspective — is important. Otherwise, these equity incentive plans can have unintended tax consequences. Let me help you navigate the alphabet soup of equity compensation!

Please reach out to me:

Still have questions?

Email me

Please reach out to me:

Robin, as my financial consultant and coach for the past 13 years, has been an invaluable part of my journey in my personal life as well as thriving in my business as a women entrepreneur.

"Her unique holistic approach balances both the external (with a step by step action plan and tools) with the internal (creating the right mindset to overcome obstacles and embrace success). Within the context of her high quality, professional, supportive, guiding relationship, embedded with her financial and business development wisdom, I was able to manifest several of my dreams. This included a move from California to Oregon, buying my home, and moving from a corporate job to becoming self-employed and starting my own business. She has been a trusted source for my financial decisions, always with my best interest at heart. Robin is gifted in explaining complex financial principles and knowledge in a way that is easily understandable, which has been an empowering experience for me. She provides specific solutions to my needs that were individualized and paired with action steps and tools. Partnering with Robin as your financial consultant and coach is a significant way to invest in you in order to create the future of your dreams.”