The Flourish Program

Is this YOU?

You’re ready to leave your W-2 job but don’t know what steps you should take next with your finances.

You’re a business owner that is kill’n it, or so you thought. You keep hitting the same ceiling and your net income isn’t where you want it to be.

You want to learn about money, investing…. Should you read books? Find a financial advisor? Both? 

You know you’ve been keeping your head in the sand regarding your money mindset and know that your limiting beliefs are squashing your growth.

You’re barely keeping your head above water with taking care of the day-to-day demands and managing your money is just another “To-Do” on your list.

You’re plain overwhelmed with your business and have lost that joy and excitement you had when you started. You’re just trying to find your groove and looking at your bank accounts makes you cringe.

You need someone to throw you a lifeline. You want an expert to show you where to begin, help you get out of your own way, and off the hamster wheel. And you want to do it all in a way that feels judgment-free and completely safe....I got YOU!

How does this sound instead?

Every month you won’t feel that stomach ache feeling when you look at your accounts. You’ll learn where you are, why you’re there, and get the tools to become a master of your money!

Book now

You are FINALLY confident around your money decisions and are excited about your future both professionally and personally

Your business is thriving, and clients are coming easily. It feels fun again and you’ve learned some kick-ass strategies to break your net ceiling. 

You’re rebuilding your life after all those curve-balls. You feel hopeful and you can now see the light at the end of your once dark tunnel. 

The Flourish Program is a 6-month deep dive into your finances that gives you a solid foundational plan. You’ll go from worry to freedom, and from messy to mastery.

The Flourish Program is for you if: 

You worry that the money you’re making is a fluke

You want consistent 5 (or even 6) figure months

You’re earning 6-figures and want to at least double your revenue and don’t know how to get there.

You’re tired of the story, “I’m bad with money,” but you don’t know where to start.

You’re thinking about making investments, but you’re worried about messing up — where do you even begin?

You stay small so you won’t be judged — by your family, friends, neighbors and even clients

You know you have some beliefs around money that need to be healed

We’ll also look at any money blocks that come up.

How do you know you have money blocks? They can look like this:

Staying small and invisible because you've been told you’re too much or not enough

Feeling guilt and shame around not having enough money or having too much, so you sabotage yourself to stay status quo

Any windfall is a fluke and you spend it all because you don’t feel worthy of it

Beliefs that if you make more money you will turn into a bad person and people will judge you

Being uncomfortable with having nice things, so you hide or downplay your success or accomplishments 

You overspend, distract yourself with shopping, justify expenses or buy multiples of the same thing because it’s on sale

Inner child beliefs around money that you took on….“money doesn’t grow on trees,” “you have to work hard to have money,” “rich people are bad,” or “We don’t talk about money, it’s taboo”

Bring your whole self and come as you are. We’ve got this.

When you do this deep work, it’s like peeling the onion layers back. Money amplifies everything. Life is going to happen. A major business decision throws you off course, a family member flips a table. Trust that whatever comes up here, we’ll work with it. 

Here’s what we will do together

Specifically, you get:

3 60-minute 1-on-1 strategy calls each month to go deep on all of your needs. Your initial call will be 90 minutes so we can take a closer look at where you are and where you want to go. We’ll set specific targets for us to hit each month. It might feel like a stretch, but we’ll get there.
We'll review specific items every week and you’re welcome to bring whatever comes up for you — my intuitive financial expert brain is yours.

Personal Reviews of ALL money docs - your cash flow, paystubs, investments, insurance, debt, taxes, business plan and ideas, estate planning, and more. You’ll send me your statements via a secure shared Dropbox file and I’ll review them before our next meeting.

Money Success Strategies - I’ve been managing money since the 80s — before it was cool, so I know a thing or two! You’ll also get strategies on how to bring in more and keep more in your bank account.

Money Mindset Exercises - Each week, you’ll dig deep into the back of that brain of yours to the heart of why you are where you are. Learn what your triggers are that impact not only your money but bubble over into other areas of your life. Those old money beliefs are a thing of the past.

Access to me via Voxer (a walkie-talkie app) during the week. Get in-the-moment answers to all your financial questions and sticky money situations. Imagine how fun it is to share your big beautiful ideas that hit you while you’re sipping your morning coffee. I’m right there cheering you on!


Confidently choose where (and how much) you spend

Feel confident and aligned with your life and business

Finally embrace the feeling of abundance and prosperity

Have your dreamist clients waiting to work with you

Create a solid investment strategy so you can successfully have a financial plan both personally and professionally

Eliminate the “robbing Peter to pay Paul” habit and have cash flowing in all the right places

Best of all, you’ll finally FEEL financially free and completely confident in your ALL your money decisions.

Know how to compound your money so you can choose how much you work or NOT 

Learn how to minimize taxes and maximize the money in your accounts

Your Next Steps

Click the button below to set up a 30-minute, no-obligation chat. We’ll discuss where you are and where you want to be. I’ll answer questions, and if you’re ready we’ll set our start date.

Looking forward to going on this journey with you!

Step 1

 We'll get the paperwork and deposit squared away and get to work! I will send you customized items that will need to be completed 48 hours before we begin. 

Step 2

Book A Chat

Frequently Asked Questions

I have worked with a financial advisor. How are you different?

Well, first, I’m not a gray-heard dude in a blue suit. I’m a woman. Does your financial advisor talk over you or at you? Do they ask questions that are important to you? I want to teach you how to ask the right questions for you and to become your own money master even if you don’t want to manage it. I combine my almost 40 years of financial planning experience with my no bullshit intuitive self. I work with many clients who keep their advisor’s, they just want to take a deeper dive and a second pair of eyes with their money with someone who won’t judge them. No question is off limits and is NEVER stupid. 

Is there a lot of extra homework to do with this program?

No, there are a couple of key items needed but other than that it is completely customizable. 

Do I need to invest in anything else to work with you?


I just need to get going / I need a jumpstart, is this for me?

If you’re just getting started, I suggest starting with my Foundations Program. If you find you need more support after the first month, I will apply your first month to the six-month program.

Please reach out to me:

Have another question?

Email me

Please reach out to me:

I was looking for a money coach who could help me work through my money drama that would inevitably come up.

 It was imperative that they help me navigate my retirement accounts and be able to teach me how to physically manage and invest my money. Mindset was important, but I needed a doer too. I heard Robin on a podcast and booked a call. I knew she was the perfect fit for me.
I got so much value out of her six month Flourish program not only for my business but personally as well. I faced some big, scary things that I had been avoiding for decades. I said things out loud that I’d never said to anyone and was able to release a lot of shame. Robin was available to me in many forms to work through my fear, anxiety, and anger. She held space for me to come as I was to our calls and gave me tactical strategies to take action.
I feel so much more in control of my life and my future with the retirement and insurance accounts we set up. I’m really enjoying investing my money now that I understand it. I have a new sense of peace and confidence in my business!
Robin is an amazing human being. She is kind, patient, and caring and doesn’t mess around. She knows her sh*t and I loved learning from her to feel that same sense of empowerment around my money. She gave me so many new tools that have changed the course of my life and business. Thank you Robin!

Sari Kimbell